Congratulations! You've Decided to Get Focused and Get Fit!

Welcome to Alexis Martin's "Get Focused, Get Fit" blog! I hope this helps you set attainable goals and more importantly, REACH your goals! Check back regularly for updates and new helpful hints to stay on track!

Thanks for putting your health first,
Alexis Martin

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Let's Mix It Up!

Are you feeling better, do you have more energy?  Are you feeling stronger, are you losing weight or noticing you are getting more toned?  These are the things you should be evaluating to see if you are doing enough to make a change or maybe doing the right things.

If you answer yes to these questions, fantastic!!!  Your efforts are paying off!  If you answer no, maybe we need to take some time to see how we can improve on what you are already doing.  If you answer no, it doesn't mean quit, it means, let's figure out what will make your physical and mental effort worth while!!

If you need help with exercise, food, schedule, anything, let me know!!!

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